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Friends of the Council on Aging


The Friends of the Merrimac Council on Aging is a 501c (III) Organization dedicated to fundraising and support of the Merrimac Senior Center and the elders in the Merrimac community. They support the Senior Food Pantry “Peggy’s Pantry”, the weekly meals at the Senior Center, purchase items needed for the kitchen and staff, special programs and instructors.  Without the Friends group, we would not be able to do many of the things we have come to expect and enjoy at the senior center.

Purpose of Friends

  1. To encourage the growth of services and programs that meet the needs of the Elder Population of the Town of Merrimac.
  2. To foster a spirit of community involvement and volunteerism among the Elders in Merrimac.
  3. To support the Social Service, Educational, recreational and Inter-generational programming of the Senior Center.
  4. To rent, lease, build, purchase property, hire staff, in connection with the achievement of the foregoing stated purposes.
  5. To solicit, raise, hold and disperse funds for the accomplishment of the above purposes.


Membership of this organization is open to persons of all ages, and is not limited to the residents of the town of Merrimac, who support the purposes of this organization in an active or financial manner. The membership will have a sincere concern for the Elder population, regardless of race, creed, social standing or financial status.